The Russell Building is the oldest of the three Senate office buildings. In FY 2023, the AOC successfully completed the Russell Exterior Envelope Project, a multiyear restoration project to preserve and repair the exterior envelope of the century-old building.

With a budget of $77.6 million, the scope and scale of the restoration effort was significant. The three-sequence project encompassed five phases of work, with each phase targeting different areas of the building. This phased approach minimized disruptions to the building's occupants and reduced the impact of the construction and restoration effort on the Senate's day-to-day activities.

The project entailed repairing and restoring the Russell Building's masonry façade; repairing and refinishing doors, exterior metals and light fixtures; restoring the original windows; and completing structural repairs to the building's balcony flooring, balustrades and roof chimney. The effort also involved hazardous materials abatement, installation of bird-deterrent systems, mitigation of life safety hazards and improvements to the building's energy efficiency. The project restored and preserved 584 modillions, 1,044 balusters and 625 original windows, some of which are more than 100 years old.

Completion of the Russell Exterior Envelope Project is a testament to the AOC's dedication to preserving the nation's architectural heritage and integral to the agency's commitment to preserving the stonework on historic buildings across the Capitol campus. Through a combination of advanced restoration methods, historical preservation and sustainable upgrades, the Russell Building is now better equipped to withstand the elements and serve the needs of the Senate.

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